Home Why the Web? Soft-Loft Services Price Guide
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Some Basic Web Terminology

Browser or Web Browser - This is the piece of software on your PC to view web pages. The two most popular implementations are Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Dial up Accounts - These are accounts with an ISP (Internet Service Provider) that allow dialing of a telephone number that connects to a computer system that has permanent access to the internet - a User Name and Password are required (hence it's called an "account").

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Domain Names - Private Domain Names (such as  your-name.co.uk) provide an address or identity for your organisation on the internet. Typically this allows your web site to be accessed by entering  www.your-name.co.uk  in the address box in a web browser, where your-name can be whatever you like, provided it has not already been registered and is correctly formated - note also that spaces are not allowed in domain names, so usually a hyphen is substituted as illustrated here.

Sub-domain names are less specific and therefore less memorable, for instance a subdomain with us would be something like  your-name.slft.co.uk.

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E-mail address - This a unique address (just like a postal address) which anyone can use to send you messages via the Internet.  E-mail addresses are associated with Domain Names, for example, your email address could be  anything@your-name.co.uk  where  anything  can be of your choosing.  Note the  @  sign followed by your Domain Name.

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FTP - stands for File Transfer Protocol and is the process generally used to transfer your web pages from your PC to the web-space for public viewing on the web (sometime called "uploading").

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Home-Page - this is the first page that people would normally see when accessing your site with their browser. Unless the web-site consists of only this one page it contains links leading to one or more pages on the web site and possibly links to pages on other web sites.

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- A device linking your computer to an ordinary telephone line so that you are connected to The Web and can send and receive information.

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Search Engines & Directories
- These are web sites which specialise in maintaining indices to other web sites. They do this by being notified by individual web sites and by 'exploring the web' themselves and continuously indexing the pages they find. Sometimes this is an automated process but otherwise a human being 'decides' whether to place a site on their index. Directories (Yahoo being the most well known) are useful in that they categorise web sites so it is possible to "drill down" to select web sites of particular interest, rather like using Yellow Pages.

Since the web is so large it is sensible to make the presence of your web pages known to several of these services.

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 The Soft-Loft UK - Internet Services Provider updated 02.08.2009