Home Why the Web? Soft-Loft Services Web Basics
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1.   Domain Name registrations
UK domains   eg .co.uk   £12 for each 2 year period
US domains   eg .com     £30 for each 2 year period

Newer domains:  .mobi £40 per 2yrs, .tv  £30 pa.
Please enquire for latest prices on domains

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2.   Sub-domains available - Free with webspace
If private Domain Name not required.

3.   Web Space - from £60 pa
This is normally sufficient for dozens of pages.
Free uploading of web pages.
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4.   Additional web space - 5 Mb from £20 pa

5.   Email addresses - from £12 p.a. - Free with web space
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Web Services       Price Guide        Mar 2010 *

6.   Webpage construction - from £30 per page
For"simple" web page layouts the Home Page is free
provided you rent web space from us.
Subsequent pages charged for - price depends upon complexity.
Free uploading of pages to web space rented from us.
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To discuss your requirements
please telephone  01872 - 870 793
or   email 

Please note that we reserve the right not to publish material that in our opinion is of an unsuitable nature 

* Prices are reviewed each St Piran's Day    St Piran's Flag (Cornwall)

Flag courtesy of The Multimedia Palace  

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created by  The Soft-Loft UK - Internet Services Provider updated 10.03.2010